Source code for dsa.da.util_date

# pylint: disable=C0321,C0103,E1221,C0301,E1305,E1121,C0302,C0330
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import datetime
Formats -

%d - 2 digit date
%b - 3-letter month abbreviation
%Y - 4 digit year
%m - 2 digit month

df = DataFrame(dict(date = date_range('20130101',periods=10)))


from datetime import datetime

import dateutil
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

[docs]def pd_datestring_split( dfref, coldate, fmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", return_val="split"): """ Parsing date 'Jun 1 2005 1:33PM', '%b %d %Y %I:%M%p' :param datelist: :param fmt: :return: """ fmt = None if fmt in [None, "auto"] else fmt if not isinstance(coldate, str): raise Exception("codlate must be string") df = pd.DataFrame(dfref[coldate]) coldt = coldate + "_dt" df[coldt] = pd.to_datetime( df[coldate], errors="coerce", format=None, infer_datetime_format=True, cache=True ) df[coldate + "_year"] = df[coldt].apply(lambda x: x.year) df[coldate + "_month"] = df[coldt].apply(lambda x: x.month) df[coldate + "_day"] = df[coldt].apply(lambda x: if return_val == "split": return df else: return df[[coldate + "_year", coldate + "_month", coldate + "_day"]]
[docs]def datestring_todatetime(datelist, fmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"): """ Parsing date 'Jun 1 2005 1:33PM', '%b %d %Y %I:%M%p' :param datelist: :param fmt: :return: """ datenew = [] if fmt == "auto": if isinstance(datelist, list): for x in datelist: try: datenew.append(dateutil.parser.parse(x)) except Exception as e: datenew.append(pd.NaT) return datenew else: return dateutil.parser.parse(datelist) else: if isinstance(datelist, list): return [datetime.strptime(x, fmt) for x in datelist] else: return datetime.strptime(datelist, fmt)
[docs]def datetime_tostring(datelist, fmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"): """ :param x: :param fmt: :return: """ if isinstance(datelist, list): ll = [datetime.strftime(x, fmt) for x in datelist] return ll else: return datetime.strftime(datelist, fmt)
def datetime_tointhour(datelist): if not isinstance(datelist, list): x = datelist y = ( x.year * 10000 * 10000 * 100 + x.month * 10000 * 10000 + * 100 * 10000 + x.hour * 10000 + x.minute * 100 + x.second ) return y yy2 = [] for x in datelist: yy2.append( x.year * 10000 * 10000 * 100 + x.month * 10000 * 10000 + * 100 * 10000 + x.hour * 10000 + x.minute * 100 + x.second ) return np.array(yy2) def datetime_toint(datelist): if not isinstance(datelist, list): x = datelist return x.year * 10000 + x.month * 100 + yy2 = [] for x in datelist: yy2.append(x.year * 10000 + x.month * 100 + return np.array(yy2) def datetime_to_milisec(datelist): if not isinstance(datelist, list): return (datelist - datetime(1970, 1, 1)).total_seconds() else: ll = [(t - datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1)).total_seconds() for t in datelist] return ll def datetime_weekday(datelist): if not isinstance(datelist, list): return int(datelist.strftime("%w")) else: return [int(x.strftime("%w")) for x in datelist] dd_weekday_cache = {}
[docs]def datetime_weekday_fast(dateval): """ date values :param dateval: :return: """ try: return dd_weekday_cache[dateval] except: d = datetime_weekday(dateval) dd_weekday_cache[dateval] = d return d
def datetime_quarter(datetimex): m = datetimex.month return int(m // 3) + 1 def dateime_daytime(datetimex): h = datetimex.hour if h < 11: return 0 elif h < 14: return 1 # lunch elif h < 18: return 2 # Afternoon elif h < 21: return 3 # Dinner else: return 4 # Night def datenumpy_todatetime(tt, islocaltime=True): # if type(tt) == np.datetime64: if islocaltime: return datetime.fromtimestamp(tt.astype("O") / 1e9) else: return datetime.utcfromtimestamp(tt.astype("O") / 1e9) elif type(tt[0]) == np.datetime64: if islocaltime: v = [datetime.fromtimestamp(t.astype("O") / 1e9) for t in tt] else: v = [datetime.utcfromtimestamp(t.astype("O") / 1e9) for t in tt] return v else: return tt # datetime case def datetime_tonumpydate(t, islocaltime=True): # return np.datetime64(t) """ def date_diffsecond(str_t1, str_t0, fmt='YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:SS') : d d= arrow.get(str_t1, fmt) - arrow.get(str_t0, fmt) return dd.total_seconds() """ def np_dict_tolist(dd): return [val for _, val in list(dd.items())] def np_dict_tostr_val(dd): return ",".join([str(val) for _, val in list(dd.items())]) def np_dict_tostr_key(dd): return ",".join([str(key) for key, _ in list(dd.items())]) """ >>> import datetime >>> datetime.datetime.strptime('20-Nov-2002','%d-%b-%Y').strftime('%Y%m%d') '20021120' Formats - %d - 2 digit date %b - 3-letter month abbreviation %Y - 4 digit year %m - 2 digit month %a Weekday as locale’s abbreviated name. Sun, Mon, …, Sat (en_US); So, Mo, …, Sa (de_DE) (1) %A Weekday as locale’s full name. Sunday, Monday, …, Saturday (en_US); Sonntag, Montag, …, Samstag (de_DE) (1) %w Weekday as a decimal number, where 0 is Sunday and 6 is Saturday. 0, 1, …, 6 %d Day of the month as a zero-padded decimal number. 01, 02, …, 31 (9) %b Month as locale’s abbreviated name. Jan, Feb, …, Dec (en_US); Jan, Feb, …, Dez (de_DE) (1) %B Month as locale’s full name. January, February, …, December (en_US); Januar, Februar, …, Dezember (de_DE) (1) %m Month as a zero-padded decimal number. 01, 02, …, 12 (9) %y Year without century as a zero-padded decimal number. 00, 01, …, 99 (9) %Y Year with century as a decimal number. 0001, 0002, …, 2013, 2014, …, 9998, 9999 (2) %H Hour (24-hour clock) as a zero-padded decimal number. 00, 01, …, 23 (9) %I Hour (12-hour clock) as a zero-padded decimal number. 01, 02, …, 12 (9) %p Locale’s equivalent of either AM or PM. AM, PM (en_US); am, pm (de_DE) (1), (3) %M Minute as a zero-padded decimal number. 00, 01, …, 59 (9) %S Second as a zero-padded decimal number. 00, 01, …, 59 (4), (9) %f Microsecond as a decimal number, zero-padded on the left. 000000, 000001, …, 999999 (5) %z UTC offset in the form ±HHMM[SS[.ffffff]] (empty string if the object is naive). (empty), +0000, -0400, +1030, +063415, -030712.345216 (6) %Z Time zone name (empty string if the object is naive). (empty), UTC, EST, CST %j Day of the year as a zero-padded decimal number. 001, 002, …, 366 (9) %U Week number of the year (Sunday as the first day of the week) as a zero padded decimal number. All days in a new year preceding the first Sunday are considered to be in week 0. 00, 01, …, 53 (7), (9) %W Week number of the year (Monday as the first day of the week) as a decimal number. All days in a new year preceding the first Monday are considered to be in week 0. 00, 01, …, 53 (7), (9) %c Locale’s appropriate date and time representation. Tue Aug 16 21:30:00 1988 (en_US); Di 16 Aug 21:30:00 1988 (de_DE) (1) %x Locale’s appropriate date representation. 08/16/88 (None); 08/16/1988 (en_US); 16.08.1988 (de_DE) (1) %X Locale’s appropriate time representation. 21:30:00 (en_US); 21:30:00 (de_DE) (1) %% A literal '%' character. % """